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Daily routine to help you slow down

How can you establish a daily routine that help you slow down?

I've started to notice a pattern. On days when I feel like I'm running on empty and my mind is in overdrive, I try to do as much of this routine as possible. And it always calms me down and helps me feel better—and more ready for whatever comes next.

Go for a walk

  • Go for a walk-in nature. The outdoors is one of the best places to slow down and enjoy your surroundings, so take some time to go on a mini hike or just sit by the lake. If you don't have access to any green space near where you live, try finding some nearby parks or even just local hiking trails online--you'll be surprised how many there are!


  • Go for a walk with your pet. Your furry friend will love spending quality time with his favourite human (that's probably not him), and it'll give both of you an excuse to get outside together without feeling guilty about leaving behind anyone else who might need attention in return (like children). Plus: pets love walks! They would probably do this all day if we let them...but alas...we must return home eventually!


  • Go for a walk with a friend or partner who has similar interests as yours (or maybe even someone who doesn't!). This way both parties can talk at length about whatever topics came up during their previous conversations while exploring new parts of town together along the way; either way works fine because these kinds of experiences tend not only help people relax but also strengthen bonds between friends/family members which makes everything more fun overall!


  • Go for a walk with a friend or partner who has similar interests as yours (or maybe even someone who doesn't!). This way both parties can talk at length about whatever topics came up during their previous conversations while exploring new parts of town together along the way; either way works fine because these kinds of experiences tend not only help people relax but also strengthen bonds between friends/family members which makes everything more fun overall!

Water your plants

  • Watering plants is a simple way to feel good.


  • It's also a good way to get outside, which has its own set of benefits (the sun and fresh air are good for you).


  • If you want to be more mindful about how often you water your plants, try doing it every day.

Take a bath

Baths are great for relaxation, but they're also an easy way to get in some extra self-care time. If you have a bathtub, fill it with water and your favourite bath products (I recommend using something like Lush's Sleepy (er) Massage Bar). Then turn on some relaxing music and sink into the tub for as long as you want!

Write in a journal

Writing in a journal is one of the easiest ways to slow down and get to know yourself better. It's also an excellent form of therapy, and can help you organize your thoughts.

As with any new habit, it might be hard for you at first but once you get into the groove it will become easier each day that passes by. Just remember: don't give up! Start small and make writing part of your daily routine as soon as possible so that over time it becomes automatic and effortless (and fun!).

Read a book

Reading a book is one of the easiest and most effective ways to relax. It doesn't matter what you read; if it's something you enjoy; reading will help slow down your mind and body.

You can choose to read a new book or an old favourite; either way, the act of reading will help slow your thoughts down so they don't race through your head all day long. Reading at night before bed is especially helpful because it helps signal to your body that it's time for sleep--the body will start producing melatonin (the hormone responsible for making us feel sleepy) when exposed to dim lighting conditions like those produced by candlelight or lamp light.

Play music or sing along

You can also sing along to the music you like. Singing is a great way to relax, especially if you're not good at it. Singing helps get rid of pent-up emotions and helps you express yourself more clearly. If you feel silly singing in front of others (or even just in front of yourself), just remember that no one else needs to know what's going on inside your head!

Get a massage

There are plenty of reasons to get a massage. You can do it for your health, or because you want to relax after a long day. But if you're looking for something specific, here are some benefits that might interest you:

  • Massages can help with digestion and elimination, which means less bloating from gas and constipation.


  • They ease pain from headaches, migraines, and backaches--especially when combined with essential oils like peppermint oil (which has anti-inflammatory properties).


  • Massages have been shown to improve sleep quality by reducing stress hormones during sleep time; this helps people wake up feeling more refreshed than when they went to bed!