Maximising daily hours

Maximizing Daily Hours

Maximizing Daily Hours

  • Don't waste time. If you're spending a lot of time on something that isn't important, stop doing it! If you're stuck in a meeting or conference call that's going nowhere, politely excuse yourself and find something more productive to do with your time.


  • Prioritize tasks according to importance and urgency (not necessarily in that order). This is crucial for effective time management because, without prioritizing tasks properly, some things will get pushed back until later—and then later becomes never at all!

Make sure everything has its place on one of these two scales: either high importance/low urgency or low importance/high urgency; once this is done properly, you'll be able to see where all the holes are so they can get filled up quickly instead of leaving them gaping open indefinitely while other things pile up around them like snowdrifts forming around car tyres stuck on ice patches during wintertime driving conditions."

If you're trying to accomplish two things at once, chances are that both tasks will suffer from poor quality and/or take twice as long as if you'd just done them separately. Focus on one task at a time and complete it before moving on to another, and don't allow yourself to get distracted by other things while doing so Don’t think about how long it will take to complete your tasks!

If you're trying to get something done, don't think about how long it will take. Instead, just focus on what needs to be done and do it. When we start thinking about how much time something will take (and comparing that number with other things that could be done instead), we lose focus on the task at hand and start getting distracted by other things, which leads us into multitasking mode again!!

Streamlining Tasks

  • Make a list of all your tasks.


  • Prioritize the list, placing the most important tasks at the top and the least important ones towards the bottom.
    Break down each task into manageable chunks that you can finish in one sitting or within a few hours at most, depending on how long it takes for you to complete them (this will vary from person to person).


  • Set deadlines for each chunk of work so that nothing gets forgotten along with its deadline date. If there are no specific dates associated with these deadlines, then set them based on when they need to be completed—or else try setting them further out than their actual due date so that there's time for revisions or re-dos if needed!